Fall Fling
  • Bon Fire
  • Night Ride Big Southern Butte
  • UTV Olympics
  • Mud Runs
  • Stay in the New Tent Town or bring your RV
  • Day Rides Saturday (Cedar Butte, Elk Ridge Trail, Craters of the Moon Trail, Others)
  • Great Food
  • Prizes
Atomic City Trails


Our final event before our snow events begin.  Trail riding, UTV Olympics, great prizes and good food.

The event begins at 6:00 p.m. at Twin Buttes RV in Atomic City (come out as early as you like). 

We will be doing a night ride up the Big Southern Butte Friday night, so bring your LED whips (up in the dusk - down in the dark) or stop by Side by Side Outlet to get some installed.   We will then have a bonfire at camp Friday night after our ride.

Saturday will include several trail options, the UTV Olympics, mud runs for those interested, and a final get together for prizes and goodbyes until next year.





This event will include the UTV Olympics with great prizes sponsored by SxS Adventures.  Merchandise and food options will also be available.

Full hookup and dry site RV and glamping options available from Twin Buttes RV








November 7th at 6pm
November 8th late afternoon
Delivery Options

Your rental machine will be delivered to Twin Buttes RV - you simply take on the ride and leave where you picked it up!  No worry about how to trailer the machine, where to ride, where to fuel, or any other worries!  Just come have a good time!


What's Included

Full Service SxS Rental

The SxS you rent will be fueled and ready to go with a spare tire or plug kit, and a belt changing tool should any breakdowns occur (although we haven't had to use it yet!).  The machine will also have a small Milwaukee cooler for your food/beverages.  This rental includes the cost of delivery, fuel, and event registration fees.

Food and Prizes

Dinner Friday and lunch on Saturday will be potlucks with the main course provided by the Atomic City Trails Club (donations will be accepted).  Bring a side or desert to share for each meal.


Machine rental is for FRIDAY and SATURDAY only, but you can add Sunday for an additional fee.

Food and Prizes

This event will include the UTV Olympics with great prizes sponsored by SxS Adventures. 

2 breakfast, 1 lunch, and 2 dinners are included. 
The last evening will be a catered dinner and awards ceremony.